For current high school juniors, January is a critical month to get a jump on the college admissions process! Getting applications submitted early this fall is dependent on the foundation you establish this month! Here are some tasks for current juniors:
College List: If you haven't already done so, January is a great time to create an initial list of colleges you are interested in. We recommend starting with a list of 15-20 colleges and maintaining a balance of reach, target, and safe schools.
Activities List: The Common Application - the website where you will be submitting most of your applications - uses a very specific format for your activities/extracurriculars list. Now is a great time to review that format and begin building your list (most students wait too long to start this, don't be one of them!).
Teacher Recommendation Considerations: It's really early, but at the end of this semester, you will want to reach out to 2-3 teachers to ask if they would be willing to write you a college recommendation. This month, start thinking about which teachers you think might do a good job of this (we recommend at least one teacher from junior year and at least one teacher that teaches a core subject - math, science, English).
Personal Essay Brainstorming: Again, it's very early, but it's a good idea to begin thinking through potential personal essay topics. The prompts haven't changed much in many years and I strongly believe they will remain the same this year: Personal Essay Prompts
If you are looking for assistance on any of these tasks (or all of them!), we are here to provide guidance! Grab some time with Kenny to discuss options!
And because we love bragging about them, here are the colleges our seniors have been accepted to over the last year:

We are also seeing continued evidence that submitting quality applications early is the key to obtaining merit aid offers from colleges. For our current seniors, the collective amount of merit aid they are receiving continues to grow!

As always, if you have questions or need help managing the process and the tasks above, we are here to talk! Feel free to schedule your free consultation call with us here: Meet with Kenny