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Getting a Jump on College Admissions in 2022!

Writer's picture: Kenny SholesKenny Sholes

With the new year comes new opportunities and goals. If you're like me, you might have made a whole bunch of resolutions that - if history is any indicator - will most likely be broken by the end of January! But one resolution that you don't want to break (if you are a high school student or parent of a high school student) is to get an early start to the college admissions process - regardless of whether you are a freshman, sophomore, or Junior.

But where to start and what to do? To begin with, I strongly recommend you check out the brand new online course I've just opened up. I’ve spent a lot of time building the course and the resources you will gain access to when enrolling and I have no doubt you will find it incredibly valuable, regardless of whether you are a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior.

You can access the course (and some free resources) here: Navigating the College Admissions Process Online Course

In addition, if you are a junior in high school, the below two graphics provide some key tasks to complete throughout the course of 2022 (the information in both is the same, just presented differently):

If you follow the guidelines and complete the listed tasks as presented, you will stay ahead of the game, hopefully yielding a less stressful application process later this fall.

But what if you are a sophomore or a freshman? Well, then you probably have less specific tasks to complete, but still a number of things that will put you in great position to apply to college in the coming years. While the below graphic was initially built with sophomores in mind, it can also be used by freshman as a set of key items to tackle.

My hope is that these graphics are helpful in assisting you to get a handle on key steps to take in 2022 towards gaining eventual acceptance letters to your dream colleges!

And if the above resources are useful, I'd urge you to strongly consider enrolling in the course I mentioned above - I promise you will find it valuable! At the link below, you can access and enroll in the course. There is a free course overview video and I’ve made the first module completely free to give you a sense of how the course is organized and taught.

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